Objective Area Solutions, LLC attends 9th Annual USAID Small Business Conference
May 4, 2016
On Wednesday May 4th, 2016 Objective Area Solutions attended the 9th Annual USAID Small Business Conference. The event included outstanding information about doing business with USAID, panel discussions, networking and matchmaking sessions. Key event speakers included presentations from Mauricio Vera, Director of the Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization for USAID; Roy Plucknett, Senior Procurement Executive and Director of the Office of Acquisition an Assistance, USAID; Ambassador Alfonso
E. Lenhardt, Deputy Administrator, USAID; and other senior USAID leadership.
Objective Area Solutions also had the opportunity to attend a small group “lunch with leaders” event which included leadership from USAID’s Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs (OAPA). At the lunch the company learned about current and emerging agency opportunities in Southwest Asia. Additionally, Objective Area Solutions had the opportunity to meet with representatives from the Bureau for the Middle
East, the Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment, and the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA).